
Check out all these Wildlings and their completed Missions. Don’t forget to like your favs. They might like you back!
#7 Wild Bird Cafe

Recycled bird cafe

Unicorn_poos 45
By Unicorn_poos

Recycled bird cafe

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Sasha and her Dad used a branch destined for the green bin, off cuts of rope and an old pot base. They found a tall tree safe from cats and Dad installed a pulley system for ease of use.
#3 Fake a Giant Moa Discovery

The Moa

The Moa

Ben boi
Today here on my back yard I have found proof that a moa Was once in my backyard
#19 Volcanic Panic

Rylee's Sparkle Eruption

Rylee's Sparkle Eruption

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Adding glitter to the baking soda made a very sparkle eruption
#24 The Flock

Anatomy of a wrybill

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BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Anatomy of a wrybill

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I coloured my bird so you can see what is on the inside. There is the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, and even where the poo comes out!
#20 Iron Kid

Cardboard Armor

Cardboard Armor

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IMG 4675.17
Luckily there has been no recycling pick ups in a while so we have plenty of cardboard to play with!
#15 Build a Backyard Bivvy


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masseyfurguson18 10
By masseyfurguson18


th 1.3
I made a bivvy because i was bored
#12 Chambers of Fire

Flaming Fire!

IMG 2517 5.35.51 PM.7
Acorn.Angel 85
By Acorn.Angel

Flaming Fire!

IMG 2517 5.35.51 PM.7
We made golden syrup steamed pudding, sausages and pineapple sage tea on our fire pit. It was so powerful our sausages went from completely raw to cooked in 15 minutes!
#1 Get Lost!

Hidden in the Matagouri

Hidden in the Matagouri

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I hid in the matagouri around my house. Matagouri is a native plant.
#7 Wild Bird Cafe

Triple choice fancy restaurant

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BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Triple choice fancy restaurant

20200412 125505.19
We made a fancy restaurant to suit everybirds needs! Nectar for tui, birdseed for sparrows, and worm-filled earth for pīwaiwaka (fantails).
Raring to get wild? Get started