
Check out all these Wildlings and their completed Missions. Don’t forget to like your favs. They might like you back!
#5 Balloon Head

balloon man

balloon man

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rub the balloons on your head and then stick them on you.
#4 Crystal Magician

the Banana

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theghostpilot 20
By theghostpilot

the Banana

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hmmmm I've not got much to say but you're free to eat it Ha ha. No- it was poisonous.
#14 Backyard Spy

Tracking tunnel

Tracking tunnel

science guy
We found out there are mice in the garden.
#24 The Flock

My clever bird

My clever bird

First i sketched out the bird outline than cut it out and glued it to cardboard.Then i painted it on both sides.
#11 Minecraft Super-Animal

Praying falcon

Praying falcon

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science guy
I smooshed a falcon with a praying mantis.
#4 Crystal Magician

Crystal Star

Crystal Star

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We shaped pipe cleaners and I liked the star shape best. I chose to do mine purple but my crystal ended up green. It was stuck to the bottom but I carefully scrapped it off using a butter knife.
#4 Crystal Magician

My Star Crystal

My Star Crystal

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We made star shapes, but it on a string and put it in water overnight, I chose to make mine pink. In the morning I had made crystals
#2 DIY Cave

Underwater cave

Underwater cave

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King Duck
I dug a hole in sand and then found wood and shells to make my cave. I built the walls, then put the roof on top.
#24 The Flock

South island river braids

South island river braids

My grandfather made the birds from old cardboard boxes. My grandmother told me about the South island river braids and the birds that live and nest there. We painted the birds together.
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