
Check out all these Wildlings and their completed Missions. Don’t forget to like your favs. They might like you back!
#16 Junk Artist

Deep sea lion fish

Deep sea lion fish

IMG 1361.1.6
I drow a picture of a fish with out fins and pot shells were fins should be
#4 Crystal Magician

Shiny crystals!

20200412 125505.19
BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Shiny crystals!

20200412 125505.19
They took a loooooong time to make but I grew my own magic jewels!
#11 Minecraft Super-Animal

Girelephant and Fernbird-pukeko

20200412 125505.19
BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Girelephant and Fernbird-pukeko

20200412 125505.19
The girelephant is a cross between a giraffe and an elephant. The Fernbird-pukeko is camouflaged like a fernbird but likes to trick and prank like a pukeko
#8 Insane Plane

Family challenge!

20200412 125505.19
BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Family challenge!

20200412 125505.19
We flew our planes down the drive. Dad's was best at loop-the-loop and mine was best at going high.
#3 Fake a Giant Moa Discovery

The Moa discovery

20180701 30.8
Naughty Ninja 110
By Naughty Ninja

The Moa discovery

20200526 1104120
20180701 30.8
Naughty Ninja
We discovered the garden and we found a big Moa nest. Luckily we saw the Moa too.
#9 Kawakawa Tea Party

Kawa kawa with honey

20200412 125505.19
BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Kawa kawa with honey

20200412 125505.19
We sang a waiata and got leaves with holes because they are the most calming. Mum boiled the tea. I didn't really like it very much, even with honey. Muma liked it and drank it all.
#15 Build a Backyard Bivvy

Cardboard castle

20200412 125505.19
BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Cardboard castle

20200412 125505.19
I have had my castle in the house and in the garden. I even had dinner in there with a torch on. I took the photo with my toe!
#16 Junk Artist

Junk Tui

Junk Tui

We made this Tui bird from rubbish in our backyard.
#12 Chambers of Fire

Warm fire

20200412 125505.19
BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

Warm fire

20200519 174438
20200412 125505.19
I roasted a chocolate spiral bun in our fire. The flames were so high it got toasted really quickly. Then I put chocolate spread on it and it melted ... it tasted so good!
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