
Check out all these Wildlings and their completed Missions. Don’t forget to like your favs. They might like you back!
#13 How to Train an Adult

The Battle of the Swords

BirdPrincess 230
By BirdPrincess

The Battle of the Swords

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Mum and I had a stick/sword battle ninja style. We had to try and get the other person's sword to go on the ground while keeping ours up. My sword had a hook in it which was very useful.
#13 How to Train an Adult

Multiple adults trained

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Unicorn_poos 45
By Unicorn_poos

Multiple adults trained

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Both my Dad and Aunt have successfully been trained!
#22 Let It Grow

Chia Pet

Chia Pet

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This is my chia pet. And I have given him a haircut to see if the shorter hair or the longer mullet grows faster.
#13 How to Train an Adult

Adult Trained!

Adult Trained!

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Dad helped us with missions 14 and 15!
#13 How to Train an Adult


#13 How to Train an Adult

Zealandia - How to Train an Adult

Zealandia - How to Train an Adult

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We took my Mum & Dad to Zealandia to take some native photos. This one was taken on the Upper Dam.
#13 How to Train an Adult

How to Train an Adult

How to Train an Adult

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We were on holiday in Wellington and took Mum & Dad to Zealandia to find some native birds and plants - we succeeded!
#13 How to Train an Adult

Volcano Design

Volcano Design

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Aunty Nic helped us with the volcano. It was lots of fun. She helped us pour the ingredients and took photos and videos. It was awesome, and we both poured the vinegar in.
#22 Let It Grow

Let it grow

Let it grow

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My brother gets mixed up with dates he thought it was April falls day.
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